[ QuakeC | Sounds | Sprites | Maps | Models | Utilities | ]

[1] QuakeC

[1.1] The simplest "TO DO" for QuakeC is changing the item and death messages to reflect the differences between the Open Quartz models and regular Quake models. Is there any reason to keep the old messages around? Perhaps as a #define? Removing them should do no harm; They could be put back in later if necessary. See items.qc and client.qc in the pak0/qc and pak0/qc_qw folders for the item and death messages that Mapes and I came up with.

[1.2] The Quake-C also needs more "merge" work - lots of clean-up involving all the #ifdef QUAKEWORLD and so on. It currently works, but could be a lot cleaner and less redundant. I assume that it's also okay to generally "clean up" files - removing unused local variables, superfluous returns at the end of functions, consistently indenting (especially local variable declarations and comments within functions which are often unindented in the QC.)

[1.3] Merging monsters into QuakeWorld does not seem like a difficult project (See this post) We should probably make this a #define QW_MONSTERS or something like that, because it does make the progs.dat noticeably larger. Alternatively we could make a #define MONSTERS option that applies to normal Quake as well as QuakeWorld.

[1.4] We should consider some enhancements to the Quake-C like new entities and new flexibility for existing entities. For example, a typical entity spawn function looks like this:

void() foo =
	precache_model ("progs/foo.mdl");
	setmodel (self, "progs/foo.mdl");
could be re-written for flexibility like this:
void() foo =
	if (!self.model) self.model = "progs/foo.mdl");
	precache_model (self.model);
	setmodel (self, self.model);

[2] Sounds

[2.1] The two ambient sounds we have (ambience/water1.wav and ambience/wind2.wav) do not have a "cue list" entry that is required to make them loop. Apparently this requires special software, so somebody with decent sound editing software will have to to do this. (Alex Malmberg <mailto:malmberg@malmberg.org> may have source for a quick and dirty utility he wrote to do this.)

[2.2] We need 13 sounds remaining in the "always needed" category:

demon/dland2.wav     (thud sound when monsters land)
wizard/hit.wav       (acid splat on wall)
weapons/guncock.wav  (shotgun - tricky name!)
weapons/rocket1i.wav (nailgun - tricky name!)
weapons/spike2.wav   (super nailgun)
weapons/ric1.wav     (ricochet)
weapons/ric2.wav     (ricochet)
weapons/ric3.wav     (ricochet)
weapons/tink1.wav    (they try to trick us, just another ricochet :-)
weapons/grenade.wav  (grenade launcher)
weapons/sgun1.wav    (rocket launcher - tricky name!)
weapons/lhit.wav     (lightning hit)
weapons/lstart.wav   (lightning gun)

[2.3] We may need up to 55 sounds from the "needed by some maps" categories (ambience, buttons, doors, enforcer/enfire.wav, enforcer/enfstop.wav, items, misc and plats) A complete list can be found in Open Quartz CVS or at http://www.planetquake.com/gg/oqsounds.html

[2.4] We have no monster sounds. We do have models for replacing the dog ("beetagator"), enforcer ("rackne") knight ("goat demon"), soldier ("FBI/terrorist"), wizard ("pterascragg") and zombie ("zombie tree"). All together these monsters use 41 sounds we don't have yet. If we get replacements for the other monsters, they could use up to 51 more sounds.

[3] Sprites

There are three sprites in Open Quartz - bubbles, explosions, and light globes. They would all look better with higher resolution 32 bit color versions. The bubbles also need to be smaller. They should be named like the sprites but with an underscore, frame number and in .tga format:

light globe:


air bubble:

    s_bubble_0.tga (bigger bubble)
    s_bubble_1.tga (smaller bubble)



[4] Maps

[4.1] Aardappel contributed six maps which need some textures replaced (dm2ish, dm3ish, dm4ish, e1m2ish, q3dm6ish, and ukpak4.) To do this quickly, we should replace the textures in the .bsp file with a program like QuArK or Adquedit. Of course the first step is to look into the files and list which textures need replacing. The second step is to determine what free textures would make good replacements. In the long run we'll want to be able to recompile these maps without any weird bugs. That might take a little work since these maps are not saved with full floating point precision.

[4.2] Aardappel's maps will give us a much better selection of non-void DM levels, but we will still have very little single player content. Single player may not be the most important part of the game, but it is important for first impressions. A quick way to add single player (SP) levels might be to add SP content to some DM levels, but most DM levels won't make very good SP levels. If you have any incomplete SP levels, you might want to touch them up (or leave them as-is if you don't have time for that) and donate them so we can work them into Open Quartz.

[4.3] Maps are probably the easiest way to expand and improve the game, so we need to do whatever we can to make mapping for Open Quartz easy. What can we do in this area? We might want to put out a "developer kit" with free textures and perhaps special "add-ons" for some editors. Open Quartz mapping is very much like Quake mapping - the entities are currently exactly the same, but the textures and executables are different. Some editors might have trouble figuring out where to put OQ maps, or like QuArK they might look for id's textures.

[4.4] Some engines (like Darkplaces) can use 32 bit .tga format versions of textures, so we might be able to make some maps look better by using textures that have more colors (they can also be higher resolution just by using a larger .tga texture than the original texture size, but of course it's important to be careful about mixing textures of different resolution in a level.)

[5] Models

[5.1] We lack several monster replacements: blob, boss1/cthon, boss2/shub, demon/feind, fish, hellknight, ogre, shalrath/vore and shambler. These are not extremely high priority, but single player mappers might find them useful. Multiple replacements for a single monster are also welcome.

[5.2] With some engines (like Darkplaces) we can use 32 bit .tga format skins on models, so this would be one way to enhance the current models. These skins can also be larger than the skins currently used, so they can have more detail as well as more colors.

[6] Utilities

[6.1] QBSP - I haven't been able to compile the Open Quartz start map with our custom QBSP so we may need to do more testing and debugging of this utility before we can rely on it for building all our maps. (This might be related to newly added QBSP features like floating point coords or QuArK's //TX texture alignment system - which are in our QBSP, but not thoroughly tested.)

[6.2] Light - lots of possible T0 DOs for this utility:

[6.3] There is a bug involving dependency checking in the utils makefile (see utils/qutils/history.txt)

[6.4] Is PNG image support needed for texmake or will we use that utility?

[6.5] The raw2map terrain convertor could use better image format support

It has been suggested that image format support should be added to the common library, preferably in a clean way. Seth Galbraith used libpng to get modelgen, qlumpy and sprgen to work with .png images. libpng is easy to use and .png format is widely supported, so that may be a simpler alternative than supporting multiple image formats.

[6.6] The mesh2map convertor basically works, but seems to still have some bugs. When I try to convert the OQ player model into brushes it takes a lot of trial and error to find all the brushes that cause compiling problems. Texture alignment is not really tested. Support for more 3D file formats could make this a very useful utility.

[6.7] Most of the utilities are poorly documented or not at all. Complete documentation would be a great thing. It would also help people use all the neat little tricks we've added.